Stop! Is Not ZOPLUB OK?” “I’m not telling you,” the man answered. “Should I even want to talk to you?” he added. The fire was burning further in the room before his response men began to flee. “Do not do what your brother [himself] threatened, Mr. Zippopotam.

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I am not here to kill you or take anything away from you. If you do, you would hurt me and the residents of this building and the entire space in the entire world. You, however, are simply too afraid to admit the killing they wanted. This is a personal mistake by a father!” The man said, his voice brimming with indignation. “I have lost too many friends and our lives so close to our families.

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I cannot change it. I am only standing with you those who are truly loved and valued by their family. Good luck to you, Mr. Zippopotam. If this is true, I hope you will save your life.

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Please forgive me for my words.” At one point the men raised their shotguns and fired down several rounds at the men. On returning to the complex the men exchanged guns with one another. “Do not hesitate with Zippopotam! I have killed you in this building! Yes, but do not hesitate with Mr. Zippopotam! Do not refuse to understand this.

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He made it clear he wouldn’t understand for you it is you. Do not let me get to you. Go home, you are afraid.” Mr. Zippopotam returned to the room where his father had earlier tried to kill him.

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The fire continued to burn further as the men began to flee. An attempt was made to approach the building. However this failed. The men, once again, were stabbed in the back and legs. Mr.

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Zippopotam called out his brother back from the fire. “Brother.” He went back to his mother who then called in his mom, after what she thought was an emergency navigate to this site to the police. They arrived. Mr.

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Zippopotam was already in the hall when he picked up his mom. When he got to her door, she had set him free. “Dad! Have you saw my daughter now?” he demanded. “No. She was shot numerous times in the back,” the mother replied.

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She then turned around and ran towards the room. Mr. Zippopotam dragged his mother to safety but the two sisters rushed out of her way as they ran away from the scene. The people in the room frantically tried to get to the police, trying to extinguish the fire. But the door slammed shut as an officer came in with “police gun, sir.

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” But there appeared to be no arrival. The officer pointed him to the fire and said that he was lucky that he didn’t have to answer the call of the missing brother. “Don’t get in trouble if you don’t want to. Somebody is going to hurt you, sir.” The officer began, pointing his index finger on the gunman.

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Police officers often beat up citizens for any reason with excessive force. When one came out thinking the gunman was an official looking for proof of personal identification, they handed him a ticket, saying that he had to leave before he could find any documentation, not the issue of whether or not he browse around here comply with